Sunday, March 29, 2009

Moving Onward

I am working on the very last bit of The Project with Meg.  Still untitled.  I'm hoping a good one will come to me during the editing process, but I'm steadfastly not editing until next week to give the manuscript some dead time so I can come back with a fresh eye.

Originally, my next novel was going to be a YA commercial fiction about a Chinese-American girl, very un-fantasyish and quite contemporary, currently named "Two Sides of a Hyphenated Identity."  It's been brewing in my head for a while, and I think it's time to graduate it to official "WIP" status.  I'm also working on a short story of the same nature for the literary magazine "The First Line."

However, last night, something very Stephenie Meyer-esque happened (which kind of grosses me out that I would consider it SM-esque) where a new idea appeared to me in a dream. Weird! Quite honestly, something like that has never happened to me before, and I've always been jealous of authors who've said their books began that way!  I won't complain.  I had a scene, fully formed in my head, play out before my eyes.  The first thing I thought when I woke up was, "I need to write that down for my next book, RIGHT NOW before I forget it."  So I did. And I'm rather pleased with the prologue for my new YA Fantasy, "Steam."  Main characters names included: Simeon, George, Sarah, Elladora, and Niles.

So, I'm not sure how both new projects are going to play out, but it does give a bit of variety to my writing.  They are now listed on the side of the blog for progress.  I suppose I'm involved now with Lin Wang and her blog chain.  It sounds like a great idea and if anyone is interested, her site is:

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